DancerMusic was at the Hamlin Park Field House Theater this past weekend for Project Bound Dance's premiere of 'Imprint'. Check out Kristi's RE-View and join her as we take another look at this collaborative evening of voice, dance, and theater.
Soul and soles. If you're wondering what those two things have to do with one another, just ask Project Bound Dance Co-Artistic Director, Ashley Deran. Well, we asked, and got some answers that made us want to ask a hundred more questions. In collaboration with vocalist Jazelle Morriss, Project Bound Dance will premiere 'Imprint' at Hamlin Park Field House Theater October 19 + 20. DancerMusic's Kristi Licera took some time with Ashley to find out more:
There's an old saying that goes a little something like this: "You never know a person until you walk a mile in their shoes". Try dancing a full evening length concert that includes 42 pairs of shoes - that is exactly what the artists at Project Bound Dance intend to do in their upcoming world premiere of 'Imprint'. DancerMusic's Kristi Licera caught up with Co-Artistic Director Ashley Deran to get a sneak peek at what will be hitting Chicago's Hamlin Park Field House Theater on October 19 + 20: